Climate Change Litigation Against Superannuation Fund
In a world first, a 24 year-old Brisbane man is taking legal action against his superannuation fund for not factoring climate change into its investment decision.
The Radio National interview raises highly interesting arguments and perspectives. QMV's Jonathan Steffanoni clarifies various aspects of superannuation law from 10:12 min in the interview. The case will be back before the Federal Court this month, where the judge is expected to set a hearing date.
Mark McVeigh, Litigant in climate change case
David Barnden, Director, Principal Equity Generation Lawyers, lawyer for Mark McVeigh
Jonathan Steffanoni, Principal Consultant, Superannuation law, QMV
Mark Bland, partner, Mills Oakley
Joana Setzer, Research Fellow, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics
Jonathan Steffanoni speaks with Radio National
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